Kumano Kodo Hike’s Club is a small outdoor store located in the beginning of Kumano Kodo.
There you will find top quality gear and clothing, expert advice, top quality gear and clothing, expert advice, rental equipment, inspiring stories about the outdoor lifestyle, and outdoor experiences to enjoy alone or share with friends and family. The company’s history dates back more than 1,300 years.
The Kumano Kodo still retains the original landscape of Japan: the nature and traditions that ride this path that has been walked for over 1,300 years, and the people who live there.
Experience the transformative power of nature and enjoy this spiritual place.
By becoming a member of the Kumano Kodo Hike’s Club, you are supporting sustainable Kumano Kodo and the outdoor lifestyle.
Whether you are new to Kumano Kodo or a seasoned pro, we invite you to join Kumano Kodo Hike’s Club.
We believe that through Kumano Kodo, the door to a new life will open for you!
Let’s enjoy a fulfilling life.
Kumano Kodo Hike’s Clubは、Kumano Kodoのはじまりの場所にある小さなアウトドアショップです。
Kumano Kodo Hike’s Clubのメンバーになることは、持続可能な熊野古道を支援し、アウトドアライフを支援することになります。
熊野古道が初めての方も、経験豊富なプロの方も、ぜひKumano Kodo Hike’s Clubにご参加ください。